It turned out to be an excellent bow railing for the yacht

Although the yacht seller once dissuaded me from my idea to install a railing on the yacht, they say, "Why the railing? It's a classic!", but I decided to install a railing and a guardrail anyway. My daughter is growing up, and this will be extremely necessary for her safety. But the question arose, where to get a railing? Sometimes, of course, they sell. But this is in Sweden, far from me, and such happiness happens extremely rarely. And the Swedes rarely make contact because of such trifles. As a result, I decided to make a railing. Not by myself, of course.

1) The dimensions of the railing were needed, preferably the original one. I contacted the owners of yachts like mine (International Folkboat) in a Facebook group, and kind people responded. Thank them very much. I am especially grateful to Adri Van de Velde .7
He photographed in detail, measured the bow rail from his yacht and sent me the photos.

2) It was necessary to find a master who would make this railing now. To do this, I have placed an ad here stating that the manufacture of a railing is required. Of course, I received a number of offers. The choice was made for the Baltic Harbour company / The company can also be found here in the catalog I liked their website and the fact that everything was simple. We discussed it, I threw off the photos and sizes.

And finally I got a great, brand new, shiny bow rail for International Folkboat. The result exceeded all my expectations. The job is done, in my opinion, just super! See the photo. Especially detailed photos of the welds. In addition to the railing, there are also embedded plates and screws with nuts and washers for installing the railing on the yacht. All that remains is to drill the deck, fill it with sealant and screw it down.
Thank you very much to Baltic Harbour and Alexey personally!

Now it's just a matter of getting on a boat to Finland. I hope they will open the borders at least by the end of the season.


Baltic Harbour
Спасибо Артём! Будем рады дальнейшему сотрудничеству.
Yaroslav Timoshenko
Отлично выглядит!! Артем, а ребята кормовую площадку смогут сделать для моей лодки?
Artem Surkov
Уверен, что смогут. Контакты у них на странице
Алексей очень позитивный и открытый. Думаю, вы договоритесь.
Сам тоже планирую заказать у них еще кормовой релинг, но типового кормового релинга для своей лодки я не видел. У кого они есть - разные все. К тому же я хочу сделать кормовой релинг собственной конструкции с рамой под солнечную панель. Возможно разборный.. Надо эскиз будет нарисовать и размеры опорные снять. Так что это уж буду делать, как только на лодку попаду.
Baltic Harbour
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Дмитрий Снегирев
Artem Surkov
"Реклама?" - а почему бы и нет. Мне очень понравилась работа. Пост в общем то для себя, "для истории", так сказать. Но может кому-то и пригодится мой опыт.
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